Tuesday, April 14, 2015


This article made me think about the types of things I post and say and what other people post and say on social media. I don't post pictures that are bad or say anything that is bad on social media. Once you say something on the internet it never goes away so I try to be careful about the things I say. I've noticed that when I go on Instagram or Twitter, many of the people I follow say or post inappropriate things. It doesn't bother me at all, but it may bother some other people, and later on in life affect the choices they want to make. Most people that post pictures on social media are posting it so they can receive a lot of "likes." When I post things I don't really care how many likes it gets, I'm posting it because I like it and I want other people to see it. I keep in mind that colleges may look at my accounts when I apply. I normally try not to curse and I don't post things that would affect other people.  

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