Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015

Social Bookmarking

What's another way you can organize and store information on your computer
You can go to other bookmarking websites or you can just bookmark it right on your computer.

What have you learned from researching the above topics?
I learned that diigo is a easier, faster and better way to bookmark websites. It is more organized than bookmarking them on your computer. 

 What do you know now about those current events that you didn't know before?
I know about the laws of marijuana, about the nba playoffs, and about the with ISIS, and the laws on bullying.
What are other social bookmarking apps/websites?
Other social bookmarking sites are delicious.com and google bookmarking.
Will you continue to use social bookmarking?
I will most likely continue to use social bookmarking. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

Do Now 5/18

What things ignite your desire to help make this world a better place? Really think about this. How can your life goals not only fulfill your own needs but contribute to the community. Use your own blog.
The feeling of knowing that I'm helping because I want to and not because someone is telling me to do it is a good feeling. I would say the thing that ignites my desire to help make the world a better place is the way I feel about myself after. I don't really have any life goals but I hope that whatever I end up doing not only helps me but helps people around me. I will always have good intentions when helping people out. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

"Crab Car"


This is the crab car. It was created by a group of German engineers Cities have become more crowded and there has been a lack of parking spots. The engineers invented this car to be more flexible when it comes to parking and moving around city streets. It has a top speed of 65 miles per hour. It can run on a single 4 hour battery. It is able to hold two people at a time. The car is able to shrink up to 1.5 meters so it can fit through small spaces.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Discussion Questions to be Posted on your own blog

Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?
I subscribed to websites that I am familiar with. Most the websites were local news articles from my old town and the town I currently live in. 

Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?
It was easy to find most the RSS feeds. There were only a few that were hard to find.
Which sites were your favorites?
My favorite sites were the ones in my personal folder because we go to look for any site we wanted.
What else can you use RSS feeds for?
If we were to do a research paper, I could look up certain websites about the topic.
How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?
I  most likely won't use RSS feeds in the future. 

Monday, May 11, 2015

Do Now 5/11

If I wore an invisible cloak for a day, I'd probably try and help people out in any way that I can. For example open the door for someone who cant open it themselves. Like if someone had full hands and was struggling to open the door, I could step in and open it for them. Another thing I would do is if anyone dropped anything I could pick it up and hand it to them. I don't really know if I could go the whole day doing good deeds because id probably end up messing around with people. Like id make noises and throw things so I could scare people. I would also go to the grocery store and get food for myself and other people who need it, like homeless people.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Magnetically Levitating Elevators

 German company ThyssenKrupp may solve that problem by trading cables for tracks that employ magnetic levitation, or maglev. Unconstrained by a linear pulley system, the cars--to be tested in Germany next year--will travel higher and in new directions, moving horizontally and even diagonally. The system, called Multi, may help make possible buildings of unprecedented size and energy efficiency, like this conceptual Edison Tower. To learn how the elevator works click here. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Do Now 5/5

The class I would add to the school curriculum is a photography class. Photography should be one of our electives or a "club" we have after school. The class could teach us new ways and techniques to take pictures. There could be "art shows" to show what kind of pictures the students have taken.  You would be taught how to use certain lenses and how to make the pictures look professional. This would be a class where you use an actual camera instead of the camera on your phone. There would be projects where we take pictures of certain places or objects. For example pictures of sunsets or rise, scenery, and objects like flowers. You could also take pictures of people or have friends model for you. The projects would be based off of certain themes. 

Thursday, April 30, 2015


UltraHaptics is a company that is trying to change the way we interact with our electronic devices. They create three dimension shapes that appear in thin air out of ultrasounds. You are able to touch thin air and control things on your phone.Changes in air pressure are perceived as suspended tactile surfaces, creating invisible but tangible interfaces. The company hopes one day this would allow users to not just see the virtual world projected in front of their eyes, but to touch it as well.Creating buttons and shapes literally anywhere they're needed opens up a slew of possibilities for more traditional devices as well.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Spring Break

Portsmouth New Hampshire
Rye Harbor Beach
Over spring break I went to my home town in Exeter New Hampshire. I spent Easter at my dad's house, and got to see all my sisters. Almost everyday my friends and I went to the beach. There are many different beaches you can go to, so we went to a different one everyday. We couldn't swim because it wasn't that warm there plus the water is freezing cold. We would park the car and climb up on the rocks and take pictures. There is a town near by called Portsmouth. We drove there and walked around, There are many little stores that you can go in and restaurants that over look the water. One of the places we went to was the Portsmouth Brewery. It's a nice bar and grill, and we know the owners. I also went horse back riding and I got to wash the horses and take lessons. Another place we went was Phillips Exeter Academy. It's a boarding school and people all over the world go there. We went to the gym that is there. It has tennis courts, two basketball courts, a pool, a regular gym, and and indoor track. We watched our friends play basketball and went swimming, then hung out around the track. 

A Better Way to Type One Your Iphone

keyboard swype
Read the article for more information

Many people have trouble typing on small keyboards whether its an iPhone keyboard, laptop key board, phone board, basically any electronic device that has a keyboard. This causes people to get frustrated and it takes longer to type something. An new app has recently come out where you can write out what you want to say with your finger and it will translate it into text. If you want to put an emoji you can just draw it out and it will pick the one that looks similar. Another way to make typing faster is using your voice. Another way to type in an easier way is to slide your finger from each letter and it will create the word.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Google Upgrades Android Wear Ahead of Apple Watch Launch

Android Wear watch facesWith the Apple Watch set to hit store shelves this week, Google wants to make sure we don't forget about Android Wear.
So, the Web giant has just detailed some new features headed to Android Wear-powered smartwatches, including Wi-Fi support. Google said it plans to roll out the updates to all seven Android Wear watches over the next few weeks, starting with the new LG Watch Urbane.
The Wi-Fi support means you'll be able to connect to your smartphone, even when you don't have it on you. For instance, if you go out for a run and leave your phone at home, you'll still be able to get notifications, send messages, and use your favorite apps as long as your watch is connected to Wi-Fi and your phone has a data connection.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wiki Opinion

Before watching the video I used to think that wiki was an unreliable source because of the things I've heard. For example people said that anyone could go on and edit/change the information on the website. Now that I saw the video, I know that the group of people who put the information on the website go in and edit and make the changes, and get the information from reliable sources. I think its a good starting point if you are researching for a paper because it has links to many other websites. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


This article made me think about the types of things I post and say and what other people post and say on social media. I don't post pictures that are bad or say anything that is bad on social media. Once you say something on the internet it never goes away so I try to be careful about the things I say. I've noticed that when I go on Instagram or Twitter, many of the people I follow say or post inappropriate things. It doesn't bother me at all, but it may bother some other people, and later on in life affect the choices they want to make. Most people that post pictures on social media are posting it so they can receive a lot of "likes." When I post things I don't really care how many likes it gets, I'm posting it because I like it and I want other people to see it. I keep in mind that colleges may look at my accounts when I apply. I normally try not to curse and I don't post things that would affect other people.  

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Iphone For People Who Hate Apple

Read the article!

The Samsung Galaxy S6 is identical to the Iphone. The on and off button, volume, and finger print option is the same. It looks as  if the designers of the galaxy were trying to make it like an iphone but for people who do not like apple. The Galaxy S6 is noticeably fast at loading things. The iphone sometimes has to pause and you have to wait for things to load. The screen is nice and big and like the iphone you are able to change the brightness. The camera is said to take pictures faster than the iphone. Many of the features on this phone are similar or exactly like the features on the iphone. This is a phone mainly for people who do not like the apple company.  It costs about $650 but on contract is $200. The designers say it is a new and improved iphone.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

High Tech Home Security

Starting Wednesday, Canary will be selling its new home security system. This new, simple security system is good for apartments and single family homes. This new product is supposed to be unlike other products (including the products with the word "smart" in it), its supposed to be less complicated than other security systems. The company has put a lot of time and effort into this new product. This system learns your habits and behaviors and will send you meaningful alerts. There is a privacy mode that you can turn on and the cameras will shut off. This also allows you to record certain moments that you might miss if you aren't at your house. Its as small as a hard drive so its barley noticeable and has a motion detector and night vision. Read the article to get the full description!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Bullet Proof Suit

This bullet proof suit is a new way of being "stylish," and safe. It was created for people who travel to unsafe regions in the world, or for people who just want to feel safe. The man who created this put a skinny piece of bullet proof material in between the fabric of the suit. When shooters at gun ranges tested it out, they found that the bullets did not go through the suit. The creator not only created a nice suit, but he created a suit that could save a persons life. It is priced at twenty thousands dollars as of right now. For people who can't afford it, they have come up with a bullet proof bag as well. The bag is priced at nine hundred dollars.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Laser Procedure Can Turn Eyes Different Colors

Laser Procedure
There is a new medical procedure that allows you to change your eye color from brown to blue. They decided to come up with this procedure when they noticed that blue eyes are one of things most people notice. The procedure is based off the amount of pigment the eyes have on their surface. The brown eye has more pigment than the blue eye has. The company has found a way to disrupt the pigment, which causes the body to automatically remove tissue. It only takes about twenty seconds to do this, but you have to wait a few weeks to start seeing results.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Zoom Contact Lens

Swedish scientist are trying to come up with a new contact lens that will zoom in on objects, books, faces, etc...So far they have a prototype lens that can magnify up to 2.8 times. They are hoping to find a way to make it zoom in even more than it already does. In the future they are hoping that the contact lenses will help people with macular degeneration which is an eye disease that causes vision loss. A simple wink will activate the lens causing it to zoom in. The process of making these lenses has been very hard. The very first prototype they created wasn't exactly ready to be put on someone's eye. The magnification wasn't able to turn off unless you took it out of your eye. You also couldn't wear them for long because they weren't gas permeable. The newer prototype is capable of staying in your eye for a longer period of time. The creators of the contacts are still trying to find a way to make the lens better. To find out more info you can read this article or you can watch this video.

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting


One class I'm taking this year is Spanish ll which is taught by Senora/Mrs. Daniele. Like any teacher she expects us to get all our work done and try our best at everything. The one thing I like about her is she doesn't like to see us fail. She is always willing to give us a second chance to get work done. Sometimes she will give us extra credit work and we can either add the points to a test grade, or use it as a homework pass. In the beginning of the year she told us all the things we would eventually be learning. Most the things she said we would be learning, I have learned in the past. We have learned how to have conversations about how we are feeling, how to greet people, what sports we play, and how to talk about past events that have occurred. Every week we have something called a "Biographia." She will give us a name of a famous Spanish actor, singer, athlete and other famous Spanish people. We will have to look up when the person was born, where they were born, and when they died. The biographies are counted as quiz grades. Another thing we have every week is a spelling/translating test. She will give us a list of five words. We need to be able to pronounce them, spell them correctly, and know what each one means. This is also counted as a quiz grade. We don't take too many tests in her class.
One of the big things I like about her class is she rarely gives us homework. The only time we will have homework is when we weren't able to get it done as class work. She will often let us partner up, and we will  have to create a dialogue and present it to the class. In the dialogues, we will have to talk about the topic we are learning at the time. These are normally counted as project grades. During class, we will go on to the computer and look up videos of the famous people and learn about their lives. We also watch a show called "La Llegada De Sam." It's about an American guy who goes to a Spanish country and meets a group of Spanish friends. We only watch this if we don't have any work left. If you want to learn more about her class she has her own website. There is also a list of all her class rules. I look forward to learning more!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

IBM's Watson

 IBM (International Business Machine) has been working on a project on "Watson." Watson is an artificially intelligent computer system capable of answering questions in a "natural language." It is designed to learn from examples, understands requests and questions that are being asked, and it can read the internet and other database to find answers. Watson first became famous when it won the game Jeopardy against human players in the U.S. in 2011. IBM recently announced that Watson would be working with the Japanese company Softbank to make apps. Softbank is one of the third largest wireless telecommunication network in many Asian internet companies. Thanks to this company, the Watson driven apps could start appearing in a number of things Japanese people use. Watson could hopefully help with banking, insurance, health care, and auto industries. The bankers are hoping that Watson will eventually get put into a robot named Pepper. Pepper is already programed to read people's emotions, from facial expressions to the tone in someone's voice. Watson still has a few things that it needs to learn, like the Japanese culture and language. That's the next step in making Watson a helpful Japanese banker.

You can find the article on IBM's Watson on this website.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

Copyright is a federal law in the United States that protects someone's original work. Original work authorship is literary, written, artistic and musical works. When ever someone comes up with something or creates something on their own, it is immediately copyrighted. When doing school projects, or presentations, most people use pictures that are not theirs. Copyright laws state that sharing a picture you found and making copies of it is not an infringement of copyright. The picture will follow under fair use unless it is licensed. If a picture is licensed, all you have to do is give credit to the photographer that way people will know it is not your own picture.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Technology Article 2/5

The article "Cheap Holograms Could Give Rise To Glasses Free 3D TVs," is about large affordable holographic video displays that may be possible to develop. Holograms are a "special kind of 2D photograph, when lit up create the illusion of a 3D image." The pixels of each hologram are scattered light, falling on to the pixels in specific ways in which the light waves interact with one another creating a 3D image. This kind of hologram is also known as a Static Hologram. The other type of hologram that scientist are trying to  make is an actual holographic video. In order for this to be possible, scientist would have to display a way to alter the pixels to bend the light. The only problem is there is no easy and cheap way to get the pixels as small as the light waves. Scientist have been experimenting with sound waves and other ways to try and get the light to bend. They have found cheaper versions of  crystals of tellurium oxide for $2 when the real version cost $25,000. The cheap crystals generate high resolution videos. In order for the holographic image to generate lasers of three colors are launched into each waveguide. The frequency of the acoustic waves passing through each crystal determines which color passes through. The light waves will then interact with each other creating a holographic image. http://www.livescience.com/49675-holographic-videos-3d-tvs.html